This project has been co-funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein. In compliance of the new GDPR framework, please note that the Partnership will only process your personal data in the sole interest and purpose of the project and without any prejudice to your rights.

Identifies learning objectives and suggests topics and learning activities for each SDG.

Outlines actions on five priority action areas, stressing ESD’s key role for the successful achievement of the 17 SDGs.

Research evidence and good practice examples on leaning for sustainability from across Europe.

The proposal for the framework for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

Identifies a set of sustainability competences to feed into education programmes to help learners develop necessary skills.

Mapping of the national and institutional practices, processes, tools and strategies.

A framework to steer and support the contribution that the Irish education sector is making to sustainable development.

Guidelines for developing frameworks for implementing SDGs into university programmes more systematically.

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